Who would you trust to manage your money?
Having a little bit of mistrust can be a useful tool.
For example, most people are at least a little wary of the government and legal systems in place in our nation — and for good reason.
These entities have the ability to exert complete control over citizens. They can take possession of your hard-earned wealth and remove your freedoms in the blink of an eye.
Because unfortunately, 14th amendment citizens have no real rights – only liberty(which is freedom with restrictions).
While lacking trust in certain situations can be helpful, when it comes to protecting your money and assets – it may be in your best interest to learn to trust.
You may not know this but, Carlton Weiss was a private investigator. His business was based around piercing corporate veils and other asset protection strategies for some of America’s wealthiest and most powerful individuals.
After spending over 20 years in the industry, Carlton had a saying: “Those who mistrust – miss trusts.”
During his 20+ years of work, Carlton had seen thousands of trusts and successfully pierced many of them.
He noticed a common tie between ALL asset protection strategies prepared by attorneys…
He discovered trust drawn up by attorneys always used legislative statutes rather than the common-law rights everyone possesses.
This doesn’t offer much (if any) real asset protection…
That’s because the mere PUBLIC nature of legislative statutes creates a massive ‘Point of Contact’ thus removing any protections that would’ve otherwise been provided by the trust
Carlton also noticed a common thread between the FEW trusts he wasn’t able to pierce…
It was clear to Carlton that this type of trust was the best asset protection tool to keep wealth truly secure from creditors, courts, government, angry exes – EVERYONE.
In order to actually protect their assets, the elites had their attorneys rely on common-law rights to create Express Trusts that were impenetrable to outsiders.
For folks like you and I it can be pretty difficult for attorneys to be willing to create Express Trusts based on Common-Law because that’s not typically the laws they operate under.
So unless your attorney is willing to temporarily act in a private capacity as a friend ‘without their BAR license’…
Having a lawyer or attorney draw up your Express Trust will essentially remove it’s privacy and most of the benefits it would otherwise be afforded as a private contract. It will also result in a trust that can be easily penetrated by courts.
According to the U.S. Constitution, the government cannot impair the obligation of contracts.
Did you catch that?
Like Carlton warned, don’t think that there’s something inherently wrong with the trusts themselves just because Express Trusts under the Common Law are uncommon in the public. That’s just one reason why those who mistrust and end up missing trusts.
When executed correctly, Private Express Trusts are incredibly powerful asset protection tools while still maintaining their privacy in legal battles.
Think of a Private Express Trust as your own private contract for how you want your assets to be managed and handled. Because that’s exactly what it is.
Without one, your wealth is at serious risk of whatever comes your way. Your assets are open for the taking.
However, with the proper documents, board of Trustees and know-how – you can officially establish your own Private Express Bulletproof Trust that can be upheld in court, will protect your wealth and anything else you could ever ‘own’.
The Benefits of The Bulletproof Trust
Trusts make your money and other assets untouchable to outside parties.
When you establish a Bulletproof Trust the grantor, hands over ownership of their assets to the care of a trustee, who controls the trust and the assets inside it.
This makes Bulletproof Trusts completely private (governed under the law of private contracts).
To name just a few benefits, a Bulletproof Trust offers…
Protection from creditors and court battles;
Can reduce tax liability you would otherwise owe;
Preparation for any long-term care needs;
A buffer from the high costs and long delays of probate
Just to name a few… and those are some pretty big benefits to miss out on. So go get the serious protection a trust offers you – right now!
Don’t overlook the need to protect your assets.
Life is unpredictable – it’s better to protect your wealth and never have to go to court, than to get a lien, judgement or court case slapped against you & it’s too late to protect yourself.
Like Carlton has said “I appreciate someone that puts all the protections in place before the problems start, instead of scrambling to try to fix a problem at a time when they should’ve had the protections in place already.”
Best of all, you can do this yourself – you don’t want a lawyer or attorney to draft this type of trust for you since they’ll use legislative statutes that can be easily pierced in court.
Those who mistrust miss trusts. Take the steps now to learn how you can keep creditors, litigious parties, or the federal government from taking possession of your property.
Learn More About the Bulletproof Trust
Even if you think you’ll never need a trust – one of the BEST benefits of the Bulletproof Trust Secrets program is inside Section 4 where we show you the simplest, easiest, way to reduce your income tax liability.
This ONE secret alone is worth MUCH MORE than the ENTIRE cost of the program!
Your friends in finance,
Private Wealth Academy
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