As you learned it takes (90) days to perfect a Land Patent.
BUT THEN… we had an epiphany talking with Jacob!
It was a trick we had used previously to “push a court date” for foreclosure proceedings to buy time (up to 7 years for some students).
With this “trick” we remembered, anyone would be able to perfect their Land Patent and beat a foreclosure case!
What did we say?
“Show me the note!” which relates to the original wet-ink contract (promissory note) showing who the Holder in Due Course (true) debt holder is.
No lender, bank and also title company has yet to produce ONE original wet-ink signature contract. Asking for this delays proceedings for months – sometimes years!
By then the land can be patented… YES, EVEN WITH A MORTGAGE!!!
No government, local, state, or federal bank, mortgage company, or speculator can claim the land after that.
A patent privatizes your land and makes any lender’s attempt at foreclosing and seizure, a trespass and an act of theft.
This is also well established by US Supreme Court rulings time and time again. The land patent forces the lender and you into a constructive land trust whereby you and the bank become “partners” in the property until the mortgage is paid.
Foreclosure is avoided indefinitely!
Pretty mind blowing stuff, isn’t it?
In tomorrow’s email we’ll talk about some of the additional benefits a land patent provides, such as 100% removal of property taxes!
Watch the Land Patent Workshop Now
Your friends in finance,
Private Wealth Academy
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