Yesterday you learned how Jacob said “show me the note” and postponed his foreclosure proceedings.
Not only that, you also learned that a land patent can remove your property from the municipality’s tax roll (e.g. property taxes)… but there are even more benefits! Let’s break down all those cool things a land patent does for you:
- Foreclosure, seizure and eviction prevented.
- Monthly mortgage payments reduced
- Land is no longer subject to imminent domain by the government.
- Land patents transferred to others (for sale or inheritance).
- Unlimited use of land (mineral, drilling, water rights).
- Land patent holders can dishonor liens without loss of land.
- Property taxes can be 100% removed.** This instantly skyrockets the value of the property as an immeasurable selling point.
- No permits or zoning required (so long as results don’t affect another’s property)
*When paired with the Bulletproof Trust Secrets and Elite Tax Secrets.
**Google your local city, township or village to show the addresses that can be removed from the property tax roll, see example here.
Can You Still Get a Land Patent with a Mortgage?

“The Land Patent is the only form of perfect title to land available in the United States.” Wilcox v. Jackson 38 U.S. 498; 10 L. Ed. 264
The case above doesn’t get any clearer than that. At the end of the day, the most important benefit gained from a land patent is peace of mind.
Be on the look out – we’ll be covering that in tomorrow’s post.
Your friends in finance,
Private Wealth Academy
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