Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
When’s the Best Time to Get Land Patent Allodial Title?
Are you familiar with land patent allodial title? Wondering when is the best time to start on your land patent?ANYTIME! The sooner – the better! Getting a Land Patent Allodial Title Will Prevent Foreclosure Well first and foremost, it’s really called ‘fee simple title’ since true allodial title doesn’t exist anymore. If you’re about to go…
Are We Still in a Feudal System?
Have you heard people say we’re still in a Feudal System? Do you know what feudalism is? Over the last few weeks we’ve shown you how most homeowners don’t really “own” their properties at all… Why do you, the so-called property owner, not have and hold allodial title to the land and home that you…
A Federal Land Patent: The Final Piece to Your Estate Plan
Have you ever heard of a federal land patent? Home ”ownership” can be great – IF you know how to claim TRUE OWNERSHIP of your property. Whether you are trying to erase a current foreclosure on your home or simply remove it as a possibility, having a perfected federal land patent for your property is the solution.…
What is a Land Patent?
Are you familiar with the term: ‘land patent’? Is “Big Brother” Government getting on your nerves? The term ‘Big Brother’ really does represent the government quite well. Especially the way land ownership really works in America… In case you missed our post yesterday, we’re currently living in a modernized corporate feudal system… In a feudal system, property…
Curious How Much Money Comes From Traffic Fine and Fees?
Do you ever stop to wonder how much money victimless traffic fine & fees bring in each year? It’s A LOT! Seriously, the numbers even shocked us… Sometimes it feels like the government is just there to bleed us dry in taxes, fees and fines… How Much the U.S. Makes from Traffic Fines Each Year…
The Dangers of Not Knowing Your Rights
Do you understand the importance of knowing your rights? Are you familiar with the story of Harold Brown?In case you’re not familiar, Harold Brown, a security guard, was headed home from work at 1:30 a.m. when he was stopped by a police officer because the light above his license plate was out. “You pulled me…
How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket
Are you looking how to get out of a speeding ticket? Let’s say It’s 2 am on Sunday. There is no one around except for you and the police officer. What do most people do? They cough up the dough and pay the ticket. Or jam it in their car glove compartment hoping it will magically disappear one…
How Much One Speeding Ticket Costs
Have you ever wondered how much a speeding ticket cost? $150 ticket stinks but what if it comes with additional costs?Today we promised we’d share the hidden benefits that comes with knowing how to Beat the Ticket… But before we get into that… have you ever wondered how much money a speeding ticket costs you once…
What Are Your Chances of Getting a Speeding Ticket?
Can you guess what the most common traffic violation is?If you say speeding – you’re right. As of 2022, 9.18% of drivers in the U.S. have a speeding ticket on record. That means 41 million U.S. drivers receiving speeding tickets each year amounting to a total amount paid of around $6 billion. Ever wonder which States are the WORST speeding ticket offenders? Many…
Red Light Camera Ticket Facts You Won’t Believe Are TRUE
Recently get a red light camera ticket? They’re so annoying, aren’t they? As of January 2022, 338 communities in 22 states and the District of Columbia use automated red light camera enforcement. Automated enforcement—that is, red-light and speed cameras—allows state and local governments and law enforcement agencies to remotely capture images of drivers violating traffic laws and issue…
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