Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Private Irrevocable Express Trust Authority: What Gives It Authority?

    Wondering what gives a private irrevocable express trust (like the Bulletproof Trust) authority? It’s a common question, and today, we’ll unravel this legal puzzle. First let’s talk about what kind of trust the Bulletproof Trust is. It’s a private Irrevocable Express Trust (when executed correctly – one of the most impenetrable trusts available.) Where does a private irrevocable…

  • Ron Shares What Happens Without an Asset Protection Trust

    Wondering if an asset protection trust is right for you? Here at Private Wealth Academy we love to see how excited our clients get when they find out how well a method really works and protects their assets. We can talk about the Bulletproof Trust for days but it’s so much better when a client…

  • Don’t Own a Business? Here’s How to Avoid Paying Taxes Legally

    Wondering how to avoid paying taxes legally if you work for someone else? “Do we put our name down as the trust name on the paperwork?” It’s an excellent question, and here’s the good news—even if you’re employed by someone else, you can still learn how to legally avoid paying taxes. This method will help…

  • Putting a Business in a Trust: What to Know

    Thinking of putting a business in a trust? We’ve been getting a lot of questions about putting a business in a trust specifically if the Bulletproof Trust needs to be registered as a company… If the sole purpose of the trust is to conduct business – than you can. However, when putting a business in a…

  • Keep Your Wealth PRIVATE with Protective Asset Protection

    Are you looking for protective asset protection? By now, you probably know that government agencies can legally peak into (and dip into) your bank accounts if they need to. As the value of the dollar continues to decline and currencies of all forms (including crypto) lose their privacy privileges there’s only one ONE real way now to ensure your wealth…

  • TOP SECRET Tool Offers Virtually Guaranteed Asset Protection

    Looking for guaranteed asset protection? Want to know if a private trust will actually benefit YOU? That’s what we’re going to find out today! In these uncertain times, we want to help you protect what’s yours. A trust can help you do just that. A trust is a legal entity that holds assets for the benefit…

  • How Much Does Forming a Trust Cost?

    Another question we get is: “How much does forming a trust cost”? Honestly, if you do it yourself – a trust doesn’t cost much to set up… Really, it’s just the cost to print and mail a few papers. So around $5–10. If you’re establishing a trust for business purposes you’ll want to establish a C-Corporation as…

  • How to Protect Assets in Just 2 Hours!

    Wondering how to protect assets quickly? People always ask “does it take a long time to set up the Bulletproof Trust (private express irrevocable trust)?” It can be done pretty quickly, as Yuvie will tell you. Yuvie is a perfectionist and wanted to make sure she got the process right, but fear is what holds most people…

  • The Bulletproof Trust: One Powerful Financial Tool!

    Are you starting to see the appeal of the Bulletproof Trust? We hope you’ve been learning a thing or two throughout our posts, especially yesterday’s blog post showing the proof from the IRS themselves. In case you missed it and haven’t had the opportunity to see the power of the Bulletproof Trust, now’s the perfect time!…

  • How to Avoid Taxes Like a Boss – With IRS Proof!

    Wondering how to avoid taxes legally? Feel like the IRS is unbeatable? Do you cringe when you even hear the acronym IRS? Wish you could avoid having a relationship with them? The common misconception people believe is that they have to try and “beat the IRS”… But that will only land you in hot water. We’ve…

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