They Erased $17K: How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt

how to get out of student loan debt


However, it does require more work than the typical debt (credit cards, bankruptcies, medical bills, etc.); so be prepared to go through the program 3-4 times (sending letters, filing a case, withdrawing the case, etc.) in order to get the job done.

But to get rid of 5-6 figures in student loans, it’s worth it, right?

how to get out of student loan debt fast

How to Get Out of Student Loan Debt Now

It’s all about proving that you have the legal right & will waste the debt collectors time in court if necessary, however, the bureaucratic process of written correspondence comes first.

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We apologize the following image isn’t of better quality but in case you can’t read it – this student was able to erase over $17,000 in student loans.

Regardless of how much you owe…

A few suggestions by many students is to never quote more than one statute violated per case AND… never submit a case more than 3 times.

The third may become grounds for “dismissal with prejudice”, which means one cannot use that quoted statute again. That’s why one must only use one statute per lawsuit.

NOTE: If the demand letter comes from the Department of Education (DOE), who is the guarantor on all student loans, then there is a chance (~20%) that the debt will not be cancelled.

The reason is the DOE has immunity and is exempt from judicial processes.
  • The process is the same but will require you doing the method 3-4 times before the lender ‘caves’.
  • Never quote more than one statute violated per case.
  • Never submit a case more than three times.
  • Once a government debt/student loan has been erased – one can NEVER acquire another loan from the government again.

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Private Wealth Academy

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