TOP SECRET Tool Offers Virtually Guaranteed Asset Protection

Looking for guaranteed asset protection?

Want to know if a private trust will actually benefit YOU?

That’s what we’re going to find out today!

In these uncertain times, we want to help you protect what’s yours. A trust can help you do just that.

A trust is a legal entity that holds assets for the benefit of a person or charity. These assets can include anything from cash and securities to precious metals, property, insurance, business and even your physical body.

Here are some of the benefits of a private Irrevocable Express Trust…

• Legal Protection
Assets in an irrevocable trust have protection from creditors and anyone else seeking to obtain a judgement against you. 

• Estate Planning
Assets in an irrevocable trust do not count toward the value of your estate. Estate taxes kick in on estates valued at more than $5.49 million, and the top estate tax rate is 40%.

Reduce the tax burden on your heirs

• Qualifying for Government Benefits
There are several situations where this may be an advantage, and Medicare is one big example. Transferring assets out of your ownership might be able to avoid mandatory depletion of your assets.

• Passing on Wealth & Preventing Misuse of Your Assets
An irrevocable trust can distribute your assets to heirs or beneficiaries on a conditional basis.

• Protecting Assets from a Partner or Before a Divorce
If you’re getting taken to the cleaners, by an estranged partner or you want to protect your assets BEFORE they end up with half – a trust is much more dependable than a prenuptial agreement. Some states consider them invalid after a certain number of years. Whatever assets you’ve placed in a trust – they can’t touch.

• Do Business without Personal Liability
Doing business under the protection of a trust can offer many benefits. This includes the ability to avoid involving yourself in a personal capacity which can help reduce liabilities. A business that’s placed in a Bulletproof Trust can relieve the burden of business debts.

• Help During Illness or Disability
Wills only go into effect when a person passes away, but a trust established during your lifetime can also help your family if you become ill or unable to manage your assets. If that happens, your trustee can make distributions on your behalf, pay bills and even file tax returns for you. You can choose ahead of time who to appoint (through the trust) to manage the assets. Though no one likes to think about these scenarios, building in provisions like these can safeguard your family from having to make decisions without knowing your wishes during difficult times.

Care for Family

• Care for Family or Special-Needs Individuals
Similarly, once you pass a trust can ensure on-going care is provided for family and/or special-needs individuals with specific instructions on exactly how the funds are to be used.

• Place Your Own Body in the Trust
Whether you’re a model, celebrity, or just want to protect yourself – by placing your body in a trust you are effectively protecting yourself from any unwanted manipulation or coercion.

• Reduce Your Auto Insurance Rates
Did you know just by placing your vehicles in a trust that you can reduce your car insurance rates by up to 25%?!

If it’s guaranteed asset protection you want…

As you can see the private irrevocable express trust (like the Bulletproof Trust) offers virtually guaranteed asset protection as long as the trust is managed properly and there are no fraudulent conveyances.

No worries, we give you everything you need and walk you through the entire process from start to finish.

Will YOU benefit from a private Bulletproof Trust?

Learn how you can enjoy virtually guaranteed asset protection

If you replied ‘yes’ to any of these questions – you will greatly benefit from a Bulletproof Trust & the virtually guaranteed asset protection benefits it offers.

With a private Bulletproof Trust no one can ever seize your assets or mis-manage your funds! Learn How to Privatize & Protect Your Assets with…

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Want hard proof the elite use private trusts just like these? Check out our other posts – we’ll be showing you how powerful people like the Getty’s, Rockefellers, and Kennedys have kept their wealth safe for centuries.

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Private Wealth Academy

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