Private Irrevocable Express Trust Authority: What Gives It Authority?

Wondering what gives a private irrevocable express trust (like the Bulletproof Trust) authority?

It’s a common question, and today, we’ll unravel this legal puzzle.

It’s a private Irrevocable Express Trust (when executed correctly – one of the most impenetrable trusts available.)

Where does a private irrevocable express trust stand in the power rank?

To appreciate its authority, let’s examine where a private irrevocable express trust ranks in the hierarchy of legal entities:

  1. We The People (True Sovereigns – Power from Natural Law)
  2. State Citizen (Sovereignty of The People by Pledge) *Private Express Trusts
  3. State [Republic] (Granted Certain Power by Citizens)
  4. United States (Granted Power by States)
  5. Citizen of United States aka 14th Amendment Citizen (Granted Power by United States)

Voting citizens fall into category #5 – Citizens of the United States. Interestingly, U.S. Citizens don’t possess rights; they have liberties, a term with restrictions. As a 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, your “freedom” is temporary and can be curtailed at any time.

Where Does A Private Irrevocable Express Trust Fit?

*All Cited Cases are U.S. or State Supreme Court

It stands as a State Citizen with all powers bestowed on that title – Brigham vs. U.S. (1941)

***A final note should be made that private express trusts are able to be created in nearly every country – even if your country/state does not provide permission for the creation of statutory trusts.

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How is this possible?

Because Express Trusts fall under the common law of private contracts.

private irrevocable express trust

Aren’t you beginning to see that the whole “System” operates differently than how we were told to use it?

You can remain in slavery or choose to take back your real freedom by utilizing a private irrevocable express trust – the choice is yours.

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Private Wealth Academy

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