How often do you hear the term “allodial freehold?” or “allodial title”?
Almost never, right?
Most property ownership nowadays is “fee simple.”
The real estate term ‘fee simple’ describes a landowner’s complete and total ownership of a piece of land and all properties on it.
‘Fee simple’ falls under the umbrella of “freehold” real estate.

What is Freehold Ownership?
The fee simple owner may do anything they wish on the land, as long as it falls within established easements and zoning laws. However one may also need to purchase separate rights for any minerals, water or drilling on the property.
With fee simple ownership – owners can still lose their properties, and government bodies, and individuals can still file liens against these properties if owners violate the law. Banks & lenders can also take back fee simple properties through the foreclosure process.
The government is so afraid of the public learning of the power and rights behind a land patent they have removed the definition of “allodial freehold” from most dictionaries. Talk about being a little paranoid…
ALLODIAL FREEHOLD OWNERSHIP: Owned freely; not subject to restriction of alienation that existed in feudal law; land held absolutely in one’s own right, and not subject to tenure of any lord or superior; land not subject to feudal duties or burdens; full and complete title to a land; sovereign title to property.

‘Allodium’ or having allodial title means the land is freely held.
That is, land that is without obligation of service to any overlord.
A land patent from the federal government is the highest evidence of a private deed. The patent is a document of title proving that the land is no longer publicly owned, but is now privately owned.
The land patent truly provides the freeholder peace of mind in knowing you TRULY own your property 100%.
In addition to being free from the potential of foreclosure, being the freeholder you can also remove the property from the tax roll so long as it is not located in a municipality.
Even properties with existing mortgages may be patented. This security protects the owner of an equitable interest.
Patenting your land is the secret to absolute privatization & security.
Without a land patent, one is left to the mercy of the government.
Watch the free workshop for Real Estate Secrets to learn to be a freeholder of your land. We believe it is your natural right, but one must claim it.
Learn More About How to Get Your Land Patent
Ever wonder how much land the U.S. Government actually owns? We’ll be revealing this and much more in tomorrow’s post.
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Private Wealth Academy
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