Debt Consolidation DESTROYS Credit Scores

We get asked a lot about debt consolidation. So today, we wanted to touch on that topic…

What is Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation is a form of refinancing that entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. Or lumping multiple debts together.

debt consolidation

Why We Don’t Recommend Traditional Debt Consolidation

Generally, the majority of consolidation agencies aren’t worth it because they don’t actually solve anythingcan take YEARS and may mess up your credit score.

PLUS they often come with their own fees as well…

Also it’s not actually REMOVING the debt and is often more trouble than it’s worth.

BOTTOM LINE: Why use an expensive method that could take YEARS to pay off when you can simply erase the debt?

Have you been wondering how hard it is to do the debt removal method we teach? Be sure to open tomorrow’s email – the answer might just surprise you!

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Private Wealth Academy

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