How Do You Get a Land Patent?

Wondering how do you get a land patent or privatize your property?

Privatizing your land through the land patent has the following benefits

  • Stops random police searches.
  • Stops repossession by stopping ALL trespassing.
  • Only a sheriff/deputy can enter the property and only with a valid warrant.
how do you get a land patent

The Power Behind Knowing How Do You Get a Land Patent

There is a MAJOR trickle-down effect that can take place with private property. Just imagine if EVERY HOME in America was PRIVATELY owned. Foreclosures would be virtually nonexistent.

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Think of how much more security that would provide for our families and for us as a nation?

Take that one step further and consider how private property through land patents can positively impact our economy…

History has proven that strict Private Property leads to Economic Prosperity

The importance of private property rights could not be clearer than by examining history. Economics is the discipline that has devoted the most time, as well as the most effort to explaining the functional significance of private property on an economic system.

Unfortunately, for most of the 20th century economists lost their way in recognizing the critical importance of property rights.

Top 4 Reasons Why Private Property Rights Lead to Prosperity

The implications of this argument are profound for our understanding of social organization. Private property rights are important to economic development because:

  • Recognized private property rights provide the legal certainty necessary for individuals to commit resources to ventures. The threat of confiscation, by either private individuals or public officials, undermines confidence in the market and limits investment possibilities.
  • Clear property rights tend to make decision makers pay close attention to resource use and the discounted value of the future employment of scarce resources. Absent private property rights, economic actors will tend to be short-sighted in their decision making and also not conserve resources over time.
  • Property rights are the basis of exchange and the extension of ownership to capital goods provides the basis for the development of financial markets that are essential for economic growth and development.
  • Secure private property rights are the basis for limited and civilized government. The elimination of arbitrary confiscation, as well as the establishment of regular taxation at announced rates enables merchants to calculate the present value.
The Importance of Private Property and Free Enterprise

In the United States, our biggest threat to continued prosperity lies in the slow erosion of the respect for private property.

Thus, one of the most important roles that we can play as scholars and teachers is to articulate clearly the significance of private property for economic development and social cooperation. If we don’t, we will have failed in our scientific responsibility to convey the basic teachings of our discipline and the lessons learned from human history.

Mainstream Media and Big Government have done their best to suppress our curiosity and implementation of privatizing our land and property. To put it simply: they’ve made most of us “happy to own nothing”.

But we’re NOT happy to own nothing – and you shouldn’t be either!

How Do You Get a Land Patent FAST

Inside the program we’ll show you how to patent your land in 90 days forever protecting you from eviction & foreclosures. PLUS…

It’ll ensure your land is protected from eminent domain and also dramatically reduce mortgage payments, give you unlimited use of your property and the ability to customize your land without needing permits or zoning requirementsHow’s that for private property perks?

And guess what else…

The only public official who can come on the property without invitation and being in jeopardy of trespass is the county sheriff/deputy.

Even then, the sheriff is only legally allowed on the property to serve a valid warrant, subpoena or summons with a non-fictional “injured party”.

Without a Sworn Affidavit, it is not valid in law and may be refused. The few exceptions are as follows:

  • Serving Jury Process
  • Exercising the Power of Posse Comitatus
  • Active pursuit of an escapee in flight.

Everything else requires consent by contract. 

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