Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tax Exemption vs. Exception

    Have you ever looked into the finances of the ultra wealthy? The wealthy use corporate tax credits, trust webs, charities, state churches, welfare organizations, foreign off-shore accounts and a variety of other complex tax shelters & loopholes to legally avoid paying income taxes. These entities act as a “front” to receive free money and shift income…

  • How to Legally Avoid Paying Taxes

    Sick and tired of income taxes? Wonder why no one comes after the elite to pay more at tax time? Want a proven & LEGAL way to reduce your tax liability forever? If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the questions above…Elite Tax Secrets was created just for you! We’re not advocates of tax protesters or tax evasion… that’s…

  • How to Pay No Taxes Legally

    Feel like the IRS is unbeatable? Do you cringe when you even hear the acronym IRS? Wish you could avoid having a relationship with them? The common misconception people believe is that they have to try and “beat the IRS”… But that will only land you in hot water.Do you remember Leona Helmsley? Leona Helmsley will always…

  • How to Avoid Paying Taxes Legally Without Going to Prison

    We hope you’ve been following along with our emails especially yesterday’s email showing the proof directly from the IRS! We know at first it can be a challenge to shift your gears of thinking from “don’t people go to prison for not paying their taxes?” To knowing there’s an actual LEGAL REMEDY to remove your income tax liability. YES…

  • How to Pay Zero Taxes Legally Year After Year

    How would you like to learn how to pay zero taxes and increase your wealth by 30% THIS YEAR and every year for the rest of your life? It’s more than possible when you know how to legally reduce your income tax liability. Besides…TAXES ARE VOLUNTARY! We said it and we’ll say it again: TAXES ARE…

  • How to Reduce Tax Liability

    Want to learn how to reduce tax liability quickly and easily? First – POP QUIZ… Are income taxes based on income? Or are they based on a taxable event? If you said, taxable event – you’re right! In case you still don’t quite understand what that means, let’s dive deeper… The dollar bills that we all use are…

  • How to Not Pay Taxes Legally

    Would you like to learn how to not pay taxes legally? And be able to keep virtually ALL of your ‘tax money’ for LIFE?The final answer at the end of the day is… ABSOLUTELY – THERE IS A LEGAL REMEDY TO AVOID INCOME TAX. The truth is – YOU CAN LEGALLY BECOME TAX NON-OBLIGATED. And pay virtually…

  • How to Find a CPA That Knows This Special Tax Loophole

    Want to discover a special (legal) tax loophole that even your account & CPA doesn’t know? How is this tax “loophole” possible? First, let’s review the facts: There are ONLY direct and indirect taxes and the ultimate truth is that the tax system is voluntary. Income taxes are a form of indirect tax that arises from an event. The…

  • You Can Reduce Income Tax But You’ll Still Need to Do One Thing

    Hopefully by now you’ve also seen that you can reduce income tax legally – sometimes even down to $0! But there’s one thing that you still may need to do… The biggest question we get regarding taxes is – “can I get past withholdings back?” Past tax obligations are still due, but Elite Tax Secrets provides…

  • 20 Ways to Reduce Income Tax This Year

    Looking for ways to reduce income tax this year? We know taxes suck – and if you haven’t learned how to remove your income tax liability yet (or still owe taxes from last year) you’re probably looking for the best ways to keep those taxes as LOW AS POSSIBLE this year. We’re here to help! Today we’re going…

Got any book recommendations?