What is the Best Way to Protect Assets from Lawsuit(s)?

Are you at high-risk of getting sued? Wondering what’s the best way to protect assets from lawsuit(s)?

Working as a business owner, a doctor, an attorney, or in another high-powered profession can be lucrative. However, they all come with a major downside.

They put you at a high risk of lawsuits.

In fact, over 34% of physicians have been sued at one point, with more than 16% facing multiple lawsuits. For doctors, the risk of legal action is substantial, especially nowadays.

Attorneys, on the other hand, face an even HIGHER risk of lawsuits. Four out of five lawyers will get sued for malpractice at some point in their career, with 70% of malpractice claims filed against small firms of one to five lawyers.

The number of lawsuits against business owners is also shocking!

The reality is that if you work in a field like the ones above, you’re at serious risk of being sued.

The BEST way to protect assets from lawsuits is by using a private trust like the Bulletproof Trust.

Hoping you won’t be sued is not a strategy. You need proven protections in place to retain your assets, business, or estate even if faced with a lawsuit.

What’s the best way to protect assets from lawsuit(s)?

The Bulletproof Trust is the answer, offering iron-clad protection against lawsuits and judgments because it is 100% private.

You need proven protections in place to ensure you can still retain your assets, your business, or your estate — even in the face of a lawsuit.

Due to the fact that this type of trust is 100% private makes it iron-clad against lawsuits and judgments.

In fact, the people suing you — or those with judgments against you — can’t even see exactly WHO owns the trust – let alone the ability to seize what’s in them.

The courts can’t touch it…

Creditors can’t get their hands on it…

And, even if you cannot repay a business loan, the lender still cannot gain access to the assets in them.

The best way to protect assets from lawsuit(s) is With a Private Trust.

How Private Trusts Protect You From Lawsuits and Judgments:

Bulletproof Trusts are extremely useful for people at risk of lawsuits because they act as an impenetrable force around the assets you put in them.

Looking for the best way to protect assets from lawsuits when running a business? The same recommendation applies…

With a Bulletproof Trust, you can:

  • Avoid running your business in your personal capacity, removing personal liabilities.

Business ownership can put everything at risk when your name and assets are tied to it. A Bulletproof Trust detaches your personal name and liability from the legal equation, offering a level of limited liability protection unmatched by LLCs or corporations. These protections are upheld by private contract law, making them impervious to lawsuits.

• Protect your assets, both personally and professionally

When you use a Bulletproof Trust, the trust owns your property and/or your business’ property. You don’t own a thing — not on paper, anyway. And that’s the secret key to everything.

So, if someone tries to sue you or your business, good luck. They can’t seize a dime. That goes for creditors, lenders, or just litigious parties who want to get their sticky mitts on your cash.

• Reduce tax liabilities

That’s right. Inside the Bulletproof Trust Secrets program we also show you the legal way to remove probate AND reduce your income tax liability down to zero, cutting out those costly taxes for good.

We’ll walk you through how it works step-by-step.

• The best way to pass on a business, estate, wealth, or legacy

Forget standard wills. Those put your assets at risk — and subject your loved ones to lengthy probate or lawsuits by parties who feel entitled to what you have built.

In other words, you reap the benefits, but have none of the liabilities — or the risk of loss…

…just complete and total protection.

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Private Wealth Academy

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